
RadioActivity: Who are we?

the people behind radioactivity

Bryan Hance: president, sysadmin, programmer was founded by Bryan Hance in 2006. Bryan runs Frontera Networks, which brings his custom web-based application and systems solutions to market. Frontera Networks - and - are based in Portland, Oregon.

Before starting, Bryan worked as a sysadmin and application developer for Arizona Student Media, where he supported KAMP Student Radio and developed web-based applications for mass-market educational use.

Bryan's experience in server administration, application programming and database design make him a web applications guru, and he's proud to bring his services - and RadioActivity - to the small-market radio industry. He's always interested in hearing from other people, stations, and programmers that are doing interesting things with playlist data. Are you one of these? Drop him a line.

Travis Bernard: coder, architect, technologist

As the driving force behind, Travis Bernard has been helping small market radio stations figure out technology since 2013, helping stations like and become the awesome stations they are today. Now, Travis brings his considerable knowledge and skills to Welcome, Travis!

Your station, and people like you

We'd be nothing without the stations, GM's, DJ's and users who have contributed to, tested, used, and continue to use RadioActivity on a daily basis, which is why we work in close concert with college and small-market stations to make RadioActivity the best logging system available. We've got a big chunk of respect for small-market radio, and we're proud to be a part of what makes it tick.

Opening up the architecture

We're also huge believers in the Open Source Way of doing things, and we're willing to work with qualified individuals and open up parts of the infrastructure and database behind RadioActivity.

Have an idea? Want to help us build RadioActivity? Just want to know more? Contact us for more information. supports the Internet Defense League
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